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27 December 2024 06:23:15
Now 4506 players are playing on 137 servers.
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Added: 18.12.2024
Empearl Custom Evo
Report fraud. |
Hostname: | |
Port: | 7171 |
IP Address: | |
Players: | 0 / 0 |
Owner: | Fifth |
Total Uptime (%): | 74.83% |
Now Uptime for (hours): | 0h 0m |
Record online: | 0 players online on Thu, 01 January 1970 01:00:00 CET |
Client: | 10.98 |
Type: | PvP-E |
Exp: | x100 |
Exp Type: | Stages |
Server: | The Forgotten Server 1.4.2 |
Monsters: | 0 |
Map: | Custom |
Added: | Sun, 10 September 2023 23:10:08 CEST |
Latest online: | Mon, 02 September 2024 10:07:20 CEST |
Custom Evolution OT with immersive lore and gameplay features.
-Ascendant Spire Arena: Endless Sailing Climbing Tower Arena
-Elites Obelisk: Bosses Tower
-Fellow Pets: different kinds of Leveling Companions, that scale in HP, Damage, Boosts
-Grabber Pets: Pets that run and fetch loot for their master off corpses
-Uniques System: Bosses spawning in different parts of the world on a mission, and they need to be stopped
-Spirits: Call upon Entities for aid
-Expiring Items: Decaying with Time instead of with use
-Custom Map
-Custom Skills System
-Custom Vocations
-Custom Spells
-Custom Mobs
-Custom Currencies
-Custom Items
-Custom Magic Effects
-Mastery Points
-Bosses Warning Spells
-View Others Mana Bar
-Training Weapons
-Colored Spells & Monsters Talk
-Tons of Exclusive Cosmetics
And much more
Join your evolution venture |
Last 5 Messages of The Day
- September 10, 2023, 11:20 PM
Welcome to Empearl Server! |