Current time:
25 January 2025 14:24:15
Now 4646 players are playing on 129 servers.
In our database there are 1760 OT Servers.
Added: 17.01.2025
Real Ots 8.6 29.04
Report fraud. |
Hostname: | |
Port: | 7171 |
IP Address: | |
Players: | 12 / 999 |
Owner: | Karls |
Total Uptime (%): | 99.94% |
Now Uptime for (hours): | 4h 20m |
Record online: | 62 players online on Fri, 10 June 2022 20:16:09 CEST |
Client: | 8.60 [windows] [linux] |
Type: | PvP |
Exp: | x2 |
Exp Type: | Normal (Const) |
Server: | OTX Server 3 |
Monsters: | 52779 |
Map: | Real Map |
Added: | Mon, 25 April 2022 18:04:37 CEST |
Latest online: | Sat, 25 January 2025 14:20:26 CET |
Official start of server 29 of april at 17:00[NO RESTARTS].
For now server is online, for test purpose only, test will end 28 april. Then all characters will be removed and 29.04 real server will begin. All points spent during tests will be refunded and you will be able to spent points again on real server.
Server have free premium, but there is VIP system which gives 15% bonus exp, skill rate and bonus 1 hour of stamina.
There is bonus 25% exp/skill rate from friday to sunday.
Server have all quests checked like INQ, POI, WOTE, Children of revolution, Yalahar etc..
First 4 guilds that will gather 10 unique members with level 70+, will get 250 premium points. Contact administrators via mail/discord or forum. Administration will verify "uniquness" of each member.
There is referral system - if you friend get 70 lvl you will be rewarded for each friend you recruit. After your friend get 70, write in discord channel to earn your rewards.
With each player you recruit there is higher reward:
To 5 people - 14 vip days for each player.
From 6 to 20 People - 25 premium points for each player.
From 20 and higher - 50 premium points for each player.
Basic Information
Exp rate: x2
Global bank system
Global depot
Loot rate: x2
Magic rate: x2
Max multi-client6 clients per IP
Skill rate: x2
PVP protection to 8 level
Serwer oficjalnie ruszy 29 Kwietnia o godzinie 17:00.
Aktualnie serwer jest w stanie testow, testy zakoncza sie 28 kwietnia. Wszystkie postacie zostana usuniete i nastapi "prawdziwy" start serwera, wydane punkty w shopie do 28 kwietnia zostana zwrocone na konto.
Na serwerze pacc jest darmowy - istnieje jednak system VIP dajacy 15% bonusowego expa oraz skill rate. Dodatkowo posiada 1h bonusowej staminy wiecej.
Od piatku do niedzieli, jest tzw bonus weekend exp w postaci 25% wiecej expa i skill rate.
Na serwerze sprawdzone zostaly wszystkie glowne questy typu: INQ, POI, WOTE, Children of revolution, Yalahar etc..
Dla pierwszych 4 gildii, z 10 unikalnymi czlonkami z lvl'em 70+ zostanie przyznane 250 punktow, w celu weryfikacji czlonkow nalezy zglosic sie do administracji mailowo lub discord.
Dodatkowo system "polec znajomego", dzialajacy na wbiciu 70 lvl przez znajomego. Nalezy zglosic na kanale discord w celu przynania nagrod (po weryfikacji unikalnosci rekrutowanego gracza).
Wraz z iloscia rekrutowanych wzrastaja nagrody(za kazda rekrutowana osobe):
Do 5 osob - 14 dni VIP.
Od 6 do 20 osob - 25 punktow premium.
Od 20 osob - 50 punktow premium. |
Last 5 Messages of The Day
Welcome to The Real Ots start 29.04 |