Falumir Ot
Port: 7171
Uptime: 99.6915%
Players: 38 (88) / 400
Current time:
03 December 2024 18:29:28
Now 6751 players are playing on 132 servers.
In our database there are 1762 OT Servers.
Added: 26.11.2024
Report fraud. |
Hostname: | |
Port: | 7171 |
IP Address: | |
Players: | 0 / 0 |
Owner: | eTibia |
Total Uptime (%): | 0% |
Now Uptime for (hours): | 0h 0m |
Record online: | 70 players online on Sat, 14 January 2012 15:34:17 CET |
Client: | 8.10 [windows] [linux] |
Type: | PvP |
Exp: | x130 |
Exp Type: | Stages |
Server: | Stigma 1.0.0 |
Monsters: | 0 |
Map: | Other |
Added: | Sat, 31 December 2011 19:03:59 CET |
Latest online: | Wed, 01 February 2012 15:35:47 CET |
Chcia??bym was wszystkich zaprosi�? na nowy ots! Goldots!
Dlaczego warto na tym ots zagra�?? przecie?? jest wiele innych ots. Ja wam wyja??nie! Po pierwsze, na Goldots znajdziecie:
-Nowe Ciekawe skrypty!
-Nowe potwory, czary, items, expowiska.
-nowe Tp roomy, mapa evolutions przerobiona by Mefistoo.
-Profesjonalny support, Mi??�?, ciep??�? atmosfere.
-Stronka ots: forum ots: Goldots.czo.pl
-W??asny klient do ??ci�?gni�?cia tutaj http://www.speedyshare.com/file/TwB3C/GOLD-OTS.zip
-Exp stage:
0-100 exp 130
101-150 exp 100
151-200 exp 70
201-300 exp 50
301-400 exp 30
401-500 exp 40
501-600 exp 20
601-999 exp 10
Dlatego warto zagra�? na Goldots!
W razie problem??w pisa�? na gg 8016666 lub 28234238.
??yczymy mi??ej gry i zapraszamy do zabawy!
Last 5 Messages of The Day
- January 27, 2012, 09:25 PM
Stigma 8.1 zaprasza do gry. Odwiedz www.etibia.pl |
- January 25, 2012, 04:52 PM
- January 24, 2012, 06:13 PM
Welcome to the Forgotten Server! |
- January 24, 2012, 05:32 PM
Welcome to Gesior War Server 0.3! |
- January 24, 2012, 12:30 PM
Welcome to the Forgotten Server! |